Lineage for Family d.90.1.2: Putative nitroreductase TM1586

  1. Root: SCOP 1.69
  2. 496776Class d: Alpha and beta proteins (a+b) [53931] (279 folds)
  3. 507786Fold d.90: FMN-dependent nitroreductase-like [55468] (1 superfamily)
    core: (alpha-beta-alpha-beta)2; 3 layers a/b/a; antiparallel beta-sheet: 1243
  4. 507787Superfamily d.90.1: FMN-dependent nitroreductase-like [55469] (2 families) (S)
  5. 507845Family d.90.1.2: Putative nitroreductase TM1586 [111078] (1 protein)
    duplication: consists of two similar domains arranged as the subunits of the dimeric NADH oxidase/flavin reductase with one conserved active site


More info for Family d.90.1.2: Putative nitroreductase TM1586

Timeline for Family d.90.1.2: Putative nitroreductase TM1586: