Lineage for Family b.69.4.2: Cell cycle arrest protein BUB3

  1. Root: SCOP 1.69
  2. 450777Class b: All beta proteins [48724] (144 folds)
  3. 469053Fold b.69: 7-bladed beta-propeller [50964] (13 superfamilies)
    consists of seven 4-stranded beta-sheet motifs; meander
  4. 469115Superfamily b.69.4: WD40 repeat-like [50978] (2 families) (S)
    also contains 8-bladed propellers
  5. 469166Family b.69.4.2: Cell cycle arrest protein BUB3 [110289] (1 protein)
    possibly related to the WD-repeat family; both sequence similarity between the blades and the WD40 repeat signature are very weak
    this is a repeat family; one repeat unit is 1u4c A:12-56 found in domain


More info for Family b.69.4.2: Cell cycle arrest protein BUB3

Timeline for Family b.69.4.2: Cell cycle arrest protein BUB3: