Class c: Alpha and beta proteins (a/b) [51349] (148 folds) |
Fold c.26: Adenine nucleotide alpha hydrolase-like [52373] (3 superfamilies) core: 3 layers, a/b/a ; parallel beta-sheet of 5 strands, order 32145 |
Superfamily c.26.1: Nucleotidylyl transferase [52374] (6 families) |
Family c.26.1.3: Adenylyltransferase [52397] (6 proteins) |
Protein FMN adenylyltransferase domain of bifunctional FAD synthetase [102260] (1 species) |
Species Thermotoga maritima [TaxId:2336] [102261] (6 PDB entries) Uniprot Q9WZW1 TM0379 |
Domain d1t6zb2: 1t6z B:302-458 [106611] Other proteins in same PDB: d1t6za1, d1t6zb1 complexed with rbf |
PDB Entry: 1t6z (more details), 2.4 Å
SCOPe Domain Sequences for d1t6zb2:
Sequence; same for both SEQRES and ATOM records: (download)
>d1t6zb2 c.26.1.3 (B:302-458) FMN adenylyltransferase domain of bifunctional FAD synthetase {Thermotoga maritima [TaxId: 2336]} vvsigvfdgvhighqkvlrtmkeiaffrkddsliytisyppeyflpdfpgllmtvesrve mlsryartvvldffrikdltpegfverylsgvsavvvgrdfrfgknasgnasflrkkgve vyeiedvvvqgkrvssslirnlvqegrveeipaylgr
Timeline for d1t6zb2: