Class c: Alpha and beta proteins (a/b) [51349] (148 folds) |
Fold c.30: PreATP-grasp domain [52439] (1 superfamily) 3 layers: a/b/a; parallel or mixed beta-sheet of 4 to 6 strands possible rudiment form of Rossmann-fold domain |
Superfamily c.30.1: PreATP-grasp domain [52440] (10 families) precedes the ATP-grasp domain common to all superfamily members, can contain a substrate-binding function |
Family c.30.1.1: BC N-terminal domain-like [52441] (6 proteins) |
Protein Carbamoyl phosphate synthetase (CPS), large subunit PreATP-grasp domains [52450] (1 species) duplication: CPS large subunit contains two full BC-like lobes: carboxyphosphate and carbamoyl phosphate domains |
Species Escherichia coli [TaxId:562] [52451] (10 PDB entries) Uniprot P00968 |
Domain d1t36e3: 1t36 E:1-127 [106319] Other proteins in same PDB: d1t36a1, d1t36a2, d1t36a5, d1t36a6, d1t36b1, d1t36b2, d1t36c1, d1t36c2, d1t36c5, d1t36c6, d1t36d1, d1t36d2, d1t36e1, d1t36e2, d1t36e5, d1t36e6, d1t36f1, d1t36f2, d1t36g1, d1t36g2, d1t36g5, d1t36g6, d1t36h1, d1t36h2 complexed with adp, cl, k, mn, net, orn, po4, u; mutant |
PDB Entry: 1t36 (more details), 2.1 Å
SCOPe Domain Sequences for d1t36e3:
Sequence; same for both SEQRES and ATOM records: (download)
>d1t36e3 c.30.1.1 (E:1-127) Carbamoyl phosphate synthetase (CPS), large subunit PreATP-grasp domains {Escherichia coli [TaxId: 562]} mpkrtdiksililgagpivigqacefdysgaqackalreegyrvilvnsnpatimtdpem adatyiepihwevvrkiiekerpdavlptmggqtalncalelerqgvleefgvtmigata daidkae
Timeline for d1t36e3:
View in 3D Domains from other chains: (mouse over for more information) d1t36a1, d1t36a2, d1t36a3, d1t36a4, d1t36a5, d1t36a6, d1t36b1, d1t36b2, d1t36c1, d1t36c2, d1t36c3, d1t36c4, d1t36c5, d1t36c6, d1t36d1, d1t36d2, d1t36f1, d1t36f2, d1t36g1, d1t36g2, d1t36g3, d1t36g4, d1t36g5, d1t36g6, d1t36h1, d1t36h2 |