Lineage for Protein: Putative transcriptional activator PF1337

  1. Root: SCOPe 2.08
  2. 2685877Class a: All alpha proteins [46456] (290 folds)
  3. 2732616Fold a.132: Heme oxygenase-like [48612] (1 superfamily)
    multihelical; bundle
  4. 2732617Superfamily a.132.1: Heme oxygenase-like [48613] (5 families) (S)
    duplication: contains two structural repeats of 3-helical motif
  5. 2732777Family a.132.1.3: TENA/THI-4 [101458] (9 proteins)
    Pfam PF03070; HO-related family lacking the heme-binding site
  6. 2732798Protein Putative transcriptional activator PF1337 [101459] (1 species)


More info for Protein Putative transcriptional activator PF1337 from a.132.1.3: TENA/THI-4

Timeline for Protein Putative transcriptional activator PF1337 from a.132.1.3: TENA/THI-4: