Class a: All alpha proteins [46456] (290 folds) |
Fold a.118: alpha-alpha superhelix [48370] (28 superfamilies) multihelical; 2 (curved) layers: alpha/alpha; right-handed superhelix |
Superfamily a.118.20: Hypothetical protein ST1625 [101424] (1 family) automatically mapped to Pfam PF09205 |
Family a.118.20.1: Hypothetical protein ST1625 [101425] (1 protein) |
Protein Hypothetical protein ST1625 [101426] (1 species) |
Sulfolobus tokodaii [TaxId:111955] [101427] (1 PDB entry) structural genomics |
Domain d1wy6a_: 1wy6 A: [121432] automated match to d1vdua_ |
Timeline for Protein Hypothetical protein ST1625 from a.118.20.1: Hypothetical protein ST1625: