Class a: All alpha proteins [46456] (285 folds) |
Fold a.93: Heme-dependent peroxidases [48112] (1 superfamily) multihelical; consists of two all-alpha domains |
Superfamily a.93.1: Heme-dependent peroxidases [48113] (4 families) |
Family a.93.1.3: Catalase-peroxidase KatG [74753] (2 proteins) duplication: tandem repeat of two CCP-like domains |
Protein Catalase-peroxidase KatG [74754] (4 species) only the N-terminal CCP-like domain binds heme |
Species Synechococcus elongatus PCC 7942 [TaxId:1140] [101337] (1 PDB entry) |
Domain d1ub2a1: 1ub2 A:21-426 [99141] complexed with hem |
Domain d1ub2a2: 1ub2 A:427-720 [99142] complexed with hem |
Timeline for Species Synechococcus elongatus PCC 7942 [TaxId:1140] from a.93.1.3 Catalase-peroxidase KatG: