Class a: All alpha proteins [46456] (284 folds) |
Fold a.118: alpha-alpha superhelix [48370] (24 superfamilies) multihelical; 2 (curved) layers: alpha/alpha; right-handed superhelix |
Superfamily a.118.1: ARM repeat [48371] (24 families) |
Family a.118.1.17: BC3264-like [109965] (2 proteins) Pfam PF06352; DUF1061 this is a repeat family; one repeat unit is 1t06 A:120-163 found in domain |
Protein Hypothetical protein EF3068 [140817] (1 species) assigned by a closer overall structural similarity to BC3264; predicted DNA alkylation repair enzyme |
Species Enterococcus faecalis [TaxId:1351] [140818] (1 PDB entry) Uniprot Q82ZI8 3-215 |
Domain d2b6ca1: 2b6c A:3-215 [127983] complexed with bme, cl, gol, so4 |
PDB Entry: 2b6c (more details), 2.1 Å
SCOPe Domain Sequences for d2b6ca1:
Sequence; same for both SEQRES and ATOM records: (download)
>d2b6ca1 a.118.1.17 (A:3-215) Hypothetical protein EF3068 {Enterococcus faecalis [TaxId: 1351]} tlqfqknpetaakmsaymkhqfvfagipaperqalskqllkeshtwpkeklcqeieayyq ktereyqyvaidlalqnvqrfsleevvafkayvpqkawwdsvdawrkffgswvalhltel ptifalfygaenfwnrrvalnlqlmlkektnqdllkkaiiydrtteeffiqkaigwslrq ysktnpqwveelmkelvlsplaqregskylaka
Timeline for d2b6ca1: