PDB entry 3lko

View 3lko on RCSB PDB site
Description: Crystal Structure of HLA B*3501 in complex with influenza NP418 epitope from 1934 strain
Class: immune system
Keywords: HLA B*3501, NP418 epitope, influenza, swine-flu, T cell immunity, Disulfide bond, Glycoprotein, Host-virus interaction, Immune response, Membrane, MHC I, Transmembrane, Amyloid, Amyloidosis, Disease mutation, Glycation, Immunoglobulin domain, Pyrrolidone carboxylic acid, Secreted, IMMUNE SYSTEM
Deposited on 2010-01-27, released 2010-07-07
The last revision prior to the SCOPe 2.02 freeze date was dated 2010-07-28, with a file datestamp of 2010-07-23.
Experiment type: XRAY
Resolution: 1.8 Å
R-factor: 0.2
AEROSPACI score: 0.51 (click here for full SPACI score report)

Chains and heterogens:

  • Chain 'A':
    Compound: HLA class I histocompatibility antigen, B-35 alpha chain
    Species: Homo sapiens [TaxId:9606]
    Gene: HLA-B, HLAB
    Database cross-references and differences (RAF-indexed):
  • Chain 'B':
    Compound: Beta-2-microglobulin
    Species: Homo sapiens [TaxId:9606]
    Gene: B2M, CDABP0092, HDCMA22P
    Database cross-references and differences (RAF-indexed):
    • Uniprot P61769 (1-99)
      • initiating methionine (0)
    Domains in SCOPe 2.02: d3lkob_
  • Chain 'C':
    Compound: NP418 epitope from 1934 influenza strain
    Database cross-references and differences (RAF-indexed):
    • PDB 3LKO (0-8)
  • Heterogens: HOH

PDB Chain Sequences:

  • Chain 'A':
    No sequence available.

  • Chain 'B':
    Sequence; same for both SEQRES and ATOM records: (download)
    >3lkoB (B:)

  • Chain 'C':
    No sequence available.