PDB entry 1yjc
View 1yjc on RCSB PDB site
Description: subtilisin bpn' 8397+1 (e.c. (mutant with met 50 replaced by phe, asn 76 replaced by asp, gly 169 replaced by ala, gln 206 replaced by cys, asn 218 replaced by ser and lys 256 replaced by tyr) (m50f, n76d, g169a, q206c, n218s, and k256y) in 50% dimethylformamide
Class: hydrolase (serine protease)
Keywords: hydrolase, sporulation, serine protease, zymogen, signal, hydrolase (serine protease)
Deposited on
1996-01-16, released
The last revision prior to the SCOPe 2.05 freeze date was dated
2009-02-24, with a file datestamp of
Experiment type: XRAY
Resolution: 1.8 Å
R-factor: 0.187
AEROSPACI score: 0.49
(click here for full SPACI score report)
Chains and heterogens:
- Chain 'A':
Compound: subtilisin 8397+1
Species: Bacillus amyloliquefaciens [TaxId:1390]
Gene: 8397+1
Database cross-references and differences (RAF-indexed):
- Uniprot P00782 (0-274)
- engineered (49)
- engineered (75)
- engineered (168)
- engineered (205)
- engineered (217)
- engineered (255)
Domains in SCOPe 2.05: d1yjca_ - Heterogens: CA, HOH