PDB entry 1j26
View 1j26 on RCSB PDB site
Description: Solution structure of a putative peptidyl-tRNA hydrolase domain in a mouse hypothetical protein
Class: Translation
Keywords: peptide chain release factors, RF-1, the GGQ motif, immature colon carcinoma transcript 1, RIKEN Structural Genomics/Proteomics Initiative, RSGI, Structural Genomics, Translation
Deposited on
2002-12-25, released
The last revision prior to the SCOPe 2.08 freeze date was dated
2010-10-13, with a file datestamp of
Experiment type: NMR
Resolution: N/A
R-factor: N/A
AEROSPACI score: 0.02
(click here for full SPACI score report)
Chains and heterogens:
- Chain 'A':
Compound: immature colon carcinoma transcript 1
Species: Mus musculus [TaxId:10090]
Gene: NIA Mouse 15K cDNA Clone: H3024H01
Database cross-references and differences (RAF-indexed):
- Uniprot Q8R035 (7-105)
- expression tag (0-6)
- expression tag (106-111)
Domains in SCOPe 2.08: d1j26a1, d1j26a2, d1j26a3